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“I was thinking…I was thinking we should take it much more seriously that we might be someone else’s dream come true.

Like maybe the whole universe has been holding space in a thousand different ways for the exact person we are now and the person we’ve yet to become”

Victoria Gelling, Swallowing Inheritance

Victoria Gelling is a wounded healer and artist.

She spends most of her time pondering this curious universe as a means to heal her own trauma. By day, she works in several theaters around NYC and is passionate about creating art that is the enemy of hopelessness. She is working on getting her master’s in expressive arts therapy, with the intent of one day opening an accessible mixed media art center.

Her work can be described as a series of remembrances, stories, poems, and other rumblings littered with questions and some discoveries. It is most simply put, a journal of struggle, by someone who is working to reconcile the pieces left behind by the past. She hopes it can be a safe hollow for all the other space travelers who have equally felt loved and lost. Those of us just trying to understand.

She asks us to remember that all things begin in darkness…


Victoria is available for writing/editing work by request. You can also follow her on social media to find out about upcoming projects and writing release dates. She loves hearing other people’s stories, so feel free to write back and share yours.

Contact Victoria, for more info.